Tags: Rhino nature


Two dirt rides a week. Sullivan, Nike tower, down Mandeville fire road. This #wearespooky is incredible, great climbing, stiff yet ultra comfortable, loves mud, ruts, gravel, birms, descending, and all the other things. I am so happy with this build. Thank you Spooky Cycles

New bike day. Spooky

Distribution of 2FA codes.

My brain has been playing tricks on me for the last few years. I had come to the conclusion that I had seen many of the 2FA codes before. A few minutes later with R and GGPLOT. I believe my assumptions about repeated 2FA codes have been debunked. 

I collected all 2FA codes sent to me for the last year.

wc -l Codes.txt 

383 Codes.txt

2FA codes delivered to me are always 6 digits. Over the last ~year, I have received 383 2FA codes from my bank

Using egrep to collect the codes from erroneous text

Getting these out of the collected file is easy with egrep. 

EG: cat Codes.txt | egrep -o ‘[0-9]{6}’ 

reading these into R is trivial via “read table”


converting to a data frame

2fa_TABLE <-“codes.txt”)), “”)[[1]])))

Applying column names to the data frame

colnames(2fa_TABLE) <- c(“Number”, “Unique_Count”)

Plotting with GGPLOT

ggplot(2fa_TABLE) +

 geom_histogram(aes(x=Number, y=Unique_Count), stat=“identity”) +


The Plot


Tags: blue tit bird

Tags: sweptline